to Serving
Employers Across


The Missouri Merchants and Manufacturers Association Self-Insured Workers’ Compensation Fund

MMMA proudly serves employers across the state of Missouri and delivers savings through superior fund administration, exceptional claims service and risk management. How do we do it? Through our Self-Insured Group (SIG).

What is a SIG?

A self-insured group fund is a method by which small to medium sized employers can pool their workers’ compensation liability with other employers. By doing so, employers are able to distribute their risk among members of the trust. All members pay a collective premium, out of which all losses and expenses are paid. For many employers, MMMA’s self-insured group fund offers a solution to costly workers’ compensation coverage.

MMMA clients gain:

Stability of coverage costs through fixed costs since 1992

Cost reduction through internal claims administration for over 30 years

Loss prevention programs and services

Risk management programs and services

Cost savings through refunded surplus when premiums exceed losses

MMMA was pivotal in crafting the 2005 W.C. bill, bringing all parties together and passing a historic workers’ compensation reform package to help Missouri employers.

– John Loudon, former MO State Senator